Thursday 23 February 2012


I've got a lil' dilemma...anyone wanna help?  I've got a friend on facebook who ONLY posts hard core "vegan are the best"!!!  She never posts about "her".   I've deleted her once and she wrote all upset, "why did you delete me!"  I don't have the heart to tell her her posts annoy the hell out of me.  I guess I could just delete her again.  It's not like I'll be missing anything.  She never posts about herself and never comments on my, what should I do?  She's been a friend for a really long time...I feel bad.


  1. Tough situation.
    I have a friend that almost only posts about her business (you know the type- like Avon, Scentsy, ..) And it drives me nuts too. I can see how it would annoy you.
    But your friend is right... Vegans are best! Lol :) :) hehehe
    On the flip side, since she's an old friend, she might enjoy seeing your updates, statuses, photos,....
    No advice here... Just talking. :)

  2. You can unsubscribe from people. So you don't have to see anything they post. I've done that to a LOT of people that post annoying, repetitive, whiny, stuff. I'll teach you how when I come to visit. :)

  3. If I unsubscribe, will they still see my posts? Or will they know I ditched them again? That sounds like a good idea though. Thanks Meg!

    And Jo....she is SOOOOOOOO annoying. Always posting pics of dead skinned animals, dogs that are abused, comparison's of human babies and animals etc etc. Her way will NEVER EVER EVER get me to stop eating meat. Her approach is too aggresive.

  4. If I unsubscribe, will they still see my posts? Or will they know I ditched them again? That sounds like a good idea though. Thanks Meg!

    And Jo....she is SOOOOOOOO annoying. Always posting pics of dead skinned animals, dogs that are abused, comparison's of human babies and animals etc etc. Her way will NEVER EVER EVER get me to stop eating meat. Her approach is too aggresive.

  5. They will still see your posts, there will be no hard feelings. It just keeps you from having to see all of their posts. It's a great feature!

  6. I'm with Meg's. unsubscribe so you don't see all her posts unless you go on her fb wall. Her feelings won't be hurt and she still gets to see your updates.
