Monday, 21 November 2011

It's coming :)

Hey folks!!

It's coming....hopefully by the weekend.  No...after the weekend.  My macro mania is coming soon!  I was going to do it this week, but with me being sick last week, it kinda put my whole week a day behind schedule.  So, I will make sure it is ready by the beginning of next week. many times can one person say "week" in a couple sentences??  LOL :)

I am excited to see what I come up with, and to see what you guys think!

If I could have one thing on my blog, it would be a signature wall, for all those who visit my site to sign.  I see so many viewers but don't have a clue who is looking.

Blogs I check every single day....

Erica (always first!)
Meagan (my favorite)
Ashley (to see what she is gonna say about me next!)  ** by the way...thanks for starting your blog **
Josi (but she hasn't posted in a hundred years)  LOL.. she's been "busy". Hmmm mmm.

Jebelfar over and out.  That's right, I said Jebelfar.  It's my avatar name.  Know what it stands for?