Saturday, 5 November 2011

Keeping it Canadian, eh?

 I might offend someone.  I may make someone gasp!  I might even say something that someone thinks is wrong, but today I don't care. Do you want to know why?  Because there is nothing anyone can do to me!
   In my personal opinion, Canada is falling apart.  Canadians are losing their identity and casually "going through the motions".  What I mean by that is, we are just accepting the changes without standing up for our rights.  That's right!  OUR rights.  Canadians are so damn scared about immigrants rights that they are not even realizing that while we have been on our knees, kissing Muslim ass this "mosaic" country we live in is just becoming a big pile of colorful rocks with no sense of order or reasonable sensibility.  Immigrants are coming to our country for what reason?  A better life?  Better jobs?  Better education?  Fine!  Let them come.  BUT....and that is a big BUT....there needs to be guidelines.

1) speak English!  At all times in public
2) get a job.  You must not bring your entire family and live off welfare

I would love to know what we are so afraid of?  So, we offend a Mulim today, a Jew tomorrow (actually, the Jews don't really's the damn brown people I tell you)  what's the worst that can happen?  They leave???  Let them!!!! 

For *insert swear word of choice here* sakes, schools have been asked to stop playing the National Anthem????  **swear word** THIS IS CANADA!!  Should we change the words to,

Oh, brewing pot of mixed races!
we cower on our knees for thee
true chicken shits
in all our sons we embarrass

with pussy hearts
we see the immigrants rise
the true north is the only place to be

From far and wide
oh brewing pot
we stand for nothing, can't you see!

God, you're not part of our land
don't want to offend the Hindi

Oh brewing pot
so much for Christianity. *repeat*


We are a disgrace, an absolute disgusting shame to every Canadian soldier, patriot who ever stood up for this Country.  We have Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Islams, you name it....the religions are out there.  And each and every country in the world has it's main religion. 

Christianity is Canada.  Or WAS, I should say.

What can we do then?  Write our MP's?  Write on Facebook walls across the world?  Put videos on Youtube?  I know that we all sit around in our livingrooms and bitch and complain because we can't say Merry Christmas, and Halloween has been reworded to "orange and black day", but are we actually doing anything?  I'd love to know what I can do, cuz I'd be the first to do it!

And from now on I am NOT going to bend.  I will not yield!  I could care less if I offend an immigrant.  Sorry if that makes me insensitive, but in all reality, I am being sensitive to the Canadian way.

Oh!  Canada!  I will stand on gaurd for thee!  And I will never deny my Lord!


  1. Hip, Hip, HURRAY!! LOVE IT!! I will proudly wear my toque, my lumber jacket, drink a Molson, wear the red beaver on a backpack, celebrate Christmas with too many multicoloured blinking bulbs on my house in JUNE, live in an igloo, travel by dogsled and eat fresh maple sugar tapped from a tree in honour of the GREATEST country on the planet.
    I'm proud these immigrants are coming here. Says something about us. However, I do agree with you about speaking English, getting a job (Quick-E-Mart!) and ditch your turbins and dots when you get here. If you love your heritage so freakin much, you should stayed THERE. If you want out, leave it ALL behind. And immigrants remember this, we have a point system here in Canada when it comes to hitting pedestrians crossing the system. YOU ARE WORTH MORE!! LMFAO!!

  2. I think I could admit that I do not care if immigrants continue to wear their turbans, dots, clothes, wraps, long as they are speaking English in public and they are NOT TRYING TO TAKE THE CANADIAN WAY OUT OF US CANADIANS! You know there is something wrong with your country when you, a citizen born and raised, are the minority.
